1  Personal Details

2  More information

3  How do you want to Contribute

Monthly Donation

For the purposes of payment of members, the data will be communicated to Easypay - instituição de Pagamento, Lda, with headquarters at Rua Soares de Passos, nº 14-B, in Lisbon, email: correio@easypay.pt, the entity providing payment services to ASSOCIAÇÃO KÊLÊ MBÊ, which will treat the data exclusively for the said purpose as the person responsible for such treatment.

By clicking the confirm button, I consent to my data being processed electronically, and stored in a file owned by Easypay, Payment Institution. In accordance with the Law in force I will have access to delete and rectify this data by writing or in person to Easypay - Payment System. I also authorize that the data be transferred to ASSOCIAÇÃO KÊLÊ MBÊ (IPSS). In case of doubt call: +351912951151 / fixed (working days of hours) or send us an email to geral@kele.pt