easypay Forms

If you need a simple solution for collecting and receiving payments, easypay offers a form creation service, which can include Single payments or Subscriptions.

Make your request to create or change a form via email to: Correio@easypay.pt, with the information you wish to present in the form.

The forms can be adapted to your needs.

Fields available:

  1. Required:
    • Name;
    • Email;
    • Mobile phone.
  2. Optional:
    • Address;
    • Fiscal Number;
    • Birth date;
    • Gender;
    • 6 alphanumeric fields (of your choice);
    • 3 numeric fields (of your choice).

If you want to include your logo, send it in jpg format, with a maximum of 380 X 90 pixels and 72 dpi resolution.

Available Payment methods:

  • Single Payment:
    1. Multibanco References,
    2. MBWay,
    3. Visa and Mastercard Cards
    4. Bank Transfer (with Digital IBAN);
  • Subscriptions:
    1. Direct Debit
    2. Visa and Mastercard Cards.
At easypay Backoffice you can access transaction history:
  • Login easypay Backoffice;
  • Menu ‘Apps’ > Backoffice 1.0;
  • Subscriptions‘ menu;
  • Main List‘.