Did you misplaced a Multibanco Reference payment?

If you misplaced a Multibanco Reference Payment start by finding if you made a mistake in the Entity or in the Reference Number:

  • Entity – Check if the entity is from easypay (check here)
    • If yes, follow the steps below.
    • If not, you must contact the company that manages this entity.
  • Reference– follow the steps below:
  1. Send an email to correio@easypay.pt with the SUBJECT: Misplaced payment
  2. With the follow information:
    1. The entity and reference you should have paid, and the amount.
    2. The entity and reference you paid, and the amount.
  3. We will answer how you should proceed.

Like a misplaced bank transfer, there is no guarantee that a misplaced payment with a Multibanco Reference can be refunded. When easypay receives a payment, it immediately credits the merchant’s account (beneficiary) and, therefore, the beneficiary will have to authorize the refund.