Start accepting payments with nopCommerce now

Install the easypay gateway in your nopCommerce store and accept your customers' preferred payment methods.
Easy Pay nopcommerce

What means of payment can you integrate with?

The easypay API allows simple integration with the most used means of payment.

Receiving payments on nopCommerce has never been easier

Single payments

For single purchases. With the easypay gateway you can generate Multibanco References, accept payments by MB Way and Visa and Mastercard cards.
Examples fashion shopping

Frequent payments

When integrating the Magento module with easypay customers only have to enter their payment details once..
Examples e-park, Via verde

With easypay you can accept payments with fixed values and with predefined periodicities. Payment methods can be made by Direct Debit.
Exemples Newspaper and gym subscriptions.

How to install the easypay gateway on NopCommerce in 2 steps

Buy the plugin below

easypay integrates with your online store

We provide APIs so that you can accept payments in your custom online store, even without a dedicated team. We have plugins and partnering solutions that can help.